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Pick up a love potion at Deadwick’s Ethereal Emporium, a unique magic shop tucked quietly down a quaint Portsmouth street. Not only does Seacoast organize the annual Portsmouth Pride parade, but it hosts community events, youth meetings, and parent support groups throughout the year. Support Seacoast Outright, an organization that supports LGBTQ young people in the Portsmouth area. From refined-rustic fashions to leather goods and luxurious personal care products, it’s got plenty of fabulous finds for gifting yourself. Replenish your wardrobe with a trip to Sault-a men’s lifestyle shop that also has a location in Boston’s South End. Guests get total privacy, starting with the independent check-in, but enjoy thoughtful appointments and little perks-like pre-arrival grocery delivery, so your fridge is already stocked. Reserve a room at the Inn Downtown, a centrally located, 1809-built property that has been transformed to feature 10 contemporary, kitchenette-equipped suites offering all the amenities of home. We’ve got a bucket list of 13 different ways to shop, dine and explore.

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Looking for a postcard-pretty getaway in the middle of a New England winter? Head to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a picturesque seaport with a small but thriving LGBTQ community.

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